Roulette systems: doubling, uprights and other methods

What are the most used systems to aim for roulette and how do they work? Let's see a simple list of the most used methods and also those who just don't work.

The roulette For over a century it has been the subject of study by simple players in search of luck and mathematicians who try to conquer the most famous of casino games.

Studying a betting method for roulette can prove to be a pastime for some enthusiasts, but when it comes to putting in place of field game systems it is good to pay attention to differentiate the good game strategies from the systems that seem infallible but that in reality They are completely fallacious.

Before continuing it is good to know that the perfect system has not yet been discovered (if who knows if it will ever be!): In no case the player can therefore have a real advantage on the counter when the law of large numbers comes into play. However, there are methods that really allow to increase the chances of winning this game. If you are interested in finding out which they are and how they work, at the following connection we have collected the most effective Methods to win at roulette.

In the following we show what are the basic concepts behind the roulette betting systems, providing an example of one of the most used strategies. We will also mention the system that has made everything loss to thousands of players, because often advertised as an infallible strategy to win at online roulette.

Play "equal" or with the "upright"

Playing equal mass means always pointing the same number of pieces, regardless of the outcome of the combinations bet. In this way the difference between the winning and loser combinations represents the winning or loss of the player by number of pieces.

Playing with a upright (or progression) means using a game strategy in which to gradually modify the amount of the episode: in the "loss upright" the value of the bet is increased to recover the losers, in the "rush in winning" it is done instead to try to maximize the winnings.

The concept of progression is based on a simple reasoning: playing equal mass in a game in which the losers are numerically higher than the winning ones, it is impossible to obtain constant winnings, because the number of lost pieces is higher than the number of those won. With a upright, however, we try to recover how much lost with the strokes that are not successful by focusing on a higher amount on those with a positive outcome (upright at loss).

Almost all systems designed for roulette are based precisely on the more or less complex use of progressions.

A great classic: the Garcia system

The Garcia method provides for a game strategy on simple chances (red/black, peer/odd) that resembles a upright and is modified during the game depending on the situation that i comes and create.

  • You choose a simple chance and focus 1 piece. After a waiting blow to focus on the opposite chance (for example red, a waiting shot, black).
  • In case of winning we start again. In case of loss, continue by increasing the number of pieces to 3.
  • At the following blow in case of winning we start again. In case of loss, continue by increasing the number of pieces, bringing them to 7.
  • A win in one of these three episodes allows you to get a profit. If, on the other hand, they are all three losers and the player finds himself on a passive of 11 pieces, he changes the episode strategy, going to chase the 7 series.
  • At this point, therefore, the passive for the 3 subsequent chances divides: 4 pieces, 4 pieces, 3 pieces. We then continue to play in winning for the blows following the search for a 7 or more series.
  • In the event of winning and recovery of the losses, it starts from the beginning.
  • In the event of loss, on the other hand, the discovered (-15 pieces) is marked and it turns it on momentarily, starting the cycle from the beginning.
  • When three losses on the interruptions (i.e. the first 3 shots) and a new liability of 11 occur, the new passive is added to that set aside divided by 3 (for example: 9-9-8, i.e. 11 of current liabilities added to 15 of the previous passive divided by three).

The Garcia system therefore has the aim of accumulating winnings on the first shots on the interruptions, trying to recover the losses on the 7 seriesnull The details of this system are easily available in the literature on the subject and also on the web.

How to win at online roulette? With Martingala definitely not!

Martingala, or doubling method, is one of the best -known roulette systems for a rather sad reason: it was the cause of the ruin of many players, especially beginners.

The strategy used, although logically and mathematically correct, clashes, however, clashes with the episode of the roulette tables, making it completely ineffective.

This method is unfortunately often used on the web to propose deceptive advertisements to users, making it believe that its use in online casinos is the key to success and for a guaranteed annuity. The only guaranteed thing, however, is the gain of the proposes. For this reason we have decided to demonstrate why martingale cannot work in reality.

Here's how the doubling system works:

  • You focus 1 piece on red/black or peer/odd.
  • In case of winning it is collected and starts again.
  • In case of loss, the episode on the following blows is doubled until a win is obtained. At this point we start from the beginning.
  • The idea is to have a profit on winnings and total recovery of losses.

As you can see in this case, they are aiming using a loss of loss on simple chances. We make a small practical example, assuming that the value of 1 piece is $ 1 for simplicity.

In the event that a negative series of 10 strokes happens (an eventuality far from rare to roulette), the player has made a series of episodes of $ 1 -2 $ -4 $ -8 -16 $ -32 $ -64 $ -128 $ -256 $ -512 $, for a total of over 1000 $.

Although the funds available did not constitute a problem, the limits of the table prevent them from making overall episodes above a certain amount, which could be in our case of $ 500.

This means that, In case of a long negative series, it will no longer be possible to recover the lossesnull In our example after the ninth blow the player no longer has the opportunity to recover. Note the fact that at roulette happens to see also series of 13 or more sorties of the same color. It is true that for the law of large numbers sooner or later the opposite chance will also have to come out, but in this case the player's enemy is the limit of the table.

If you intend to play roulette in an online casino, do not be fooled by those who pass this system for a guarantee of winning!

The safe method for losing roulette

Even if there are no systems to win with absolute safety, there is certainly the system to lose everything when. A correct game strategy must consider a series of factors that go beyond mathematical calculations.

First of all, it is essential to bring to the table only the money that can be dedicated to the game and considered "superfluous". Secondly, it is important not to lose the cognition of the time, always placing a win of winning and respecting it: "I bet 100 $, if I arrive at $ 150 I stop". Also consider that the more time you spend at the table and the more the chances of losing because of the "zero tax" increase.

It should always be remembered that each ball launch is independent of the previous one and that "I went close to us" it means "I lost". Finally, playing at random by throwing chips on the table without a set scheme is almost always equivalent to finishing the game with empty pockets.

A wrong approach to the roulette table, which does not take these fundamental factors into account, is the perfect recipe for a safe loss.